![]() Carpe Diem Cabinet Knobs and Carpe Diem Cabinet PullsCarpe Diem decorative cabinet, bath hardware and accessories is available in 12 custom made to order finishes. The Cache collection has 6 colors of Swarovski Crystals to choose from for an extraordinary look. These knobs and pulls are all on display in our Duluth Atlanta SHOWROOMVisit the Carpe Diem Manufacturer Website at CarpeDiemHome.com Contact us for pricing. Carpe Diem Cabinet Knobs CategoriesCarpe Diem Cabinet Knobs Ordering Info
Minimum Order Requirement
Carpe Diem Cabinet Knobs requires a minimum order of $25.00; otherwise a surcharge of $10.00 will be added to your order. Ordering Info Carpe Diem Hardware CUSTOM ORDER CARPE DIEM IN 12 FINISHES . THE CACHE COLLECTION HAS THE ADDITIONAL OPTION OF ORDERING 6 DIFFERENT CRYSTAL COLORS. PLEASE ALLOW 4 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY. The CACHE COLLECTION WITH THEi SWAROVSKI CRYSTALS HAS A 50% RESTOCK FEE. The Julian Grace Collection is a 20% Restock Fee. ABOUT Carpe Diem Cabinet Knobs
Visit the Carpe Diem manufacturer website at http://www.carpediemhome.com/
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