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Cavilock Pocket Door and Magnetic Locking System CL400 Passage, Privacy, Keyed Locking

CaviLock manufactures classic, high quality ranges of handles and locks for sliding doors. The CL400 Magnetic is a range of modern architectural hardware featuring the latest patented innovation, a magnetically activated latching and locking system.

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Cavilock Ordering Info

Ordering Info
Most Cavilock pocket door products are in stock and ship out in 1-3 business days from California.

ABOUT Cavilock

Cavilock CL400 pocket door hardware, made by CavitySliders, has architecturally styled handles with magnetic latching feature for surface sliding and pocket doors. The Cavilock CL200 line is also available as a non-magnetic range of flush passage and privacy handles, with concealed screws, for surface sliding and pocket doors.
See Cavity Sliders track systems in action: