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Turnstyle Designs

.Turnstyle Designs

Turnstyle Designs - Made in England

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Founded in 1992, Turnstyle Designs have established themselves as one of the world's foremost producers of designer architectural hardware.

Visit Turnstyle Designs' Website
Turnstyle Designs products are manufactured in the UK. They only use the very best materials on the market and only employ highly skilled specialist craftsmen, engineers and assembly workers for their productions. They stand by their product in design, function and durability. Rest assured you are buying the best.

Turnstyle Designs Categories

Turnstyle Designs Ordering Info

Minimum Order Requirement
Turnstyle Designs requires a minimum order of $75.00; otherwise a surcharge of $20.00 will be added to your order.

Ordering Info
Turnstyle Designs is custom-made in England and can take 2 to 8 weeks for delivery depending on the item.

ABOUT Turnstyle Designs

Despite the exodus of British manufacturing to the East, Turnstyle Designs always have and always will, manufacture in the UK.

Where else can you find such a wealth of experience and craftsmanship across such a wide field of process and materials, that are needed to produce such a diverse collection of products?

Apart from the many hands and eyes that each Turnstyle Designs product and process passes through during the manufacturing process, each and every product and component is quality checked in component form and after assembly.

The chances therefore of any of their product reaching a customer substandard or faulty is extremely remote. If, however you do find their product defective in any way, please contact us immediately for a replacement.